Sushi Cakes | Dnipro

Order Sushi cake with salmon
Sushi cake with salmon
220 gram / 5 pcs
329 UAH
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Order Sushi cake with tuna
Sushi cake with tuna
220 gram / 5 pcs
329 UAH
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Order Fresh Cake with Salmon
Fresh Cake with Salmon
250 gram / 5 pcs
379 UAH
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Sushi cakes (little open sushi, having the appearance of cake) are one of the highly sought sweets and are in the menu of many Japanese restaurants. The name of a dish is under an obligation to the method of preparation, and popularity of dainties is conditioned by small weight of pieces and interesting original appearance. The not high cost of the portion allows to try a few tastes, each of that will become the decoration of a festive and everyday table.

Sushi cakes and their differences

First, who prepared a dish on the kitchen, became cook of the Canadian restaurant Kim, being in Vancouver, and the sushi cakes many do not perceive as the Japanese dainties are native. But it does not eliminate the presence of the baked "puddings" from rice and fish in the menu of many prominent Japanese restaurants.

Piquant taste of dainties, to obtain that to the cooks succeeded through combination:

  • meat of tuna or salmon,
  • tucked in rice,
  • tender air cheese "Philadelphia",
  • spring onions

and wasabi, spicy or soy-bean sauce, various toppings or pickled ginger, will not leave indifferent nobody. Some compounds suppose the presence of eel, marine products, caviar and avocado.

The process of preparation of the dish differs from the traditional variant of creation of rolls, in fact form the sushi cakes without a mat, and an ideal form the special adaptation that is named by osibako helps to obtain. Exactly it allows densely and quickly to put rice in form turret. Other ingredients (salmon, cheese, tuna etc.) that are in compounding can be laid both layer-by-layer with rice and to be situated under or above him.

The main difference of sushi cakes from the classic varieties of dry spell is an unusual form of serve, that allows to give a dish unique taste and original appearance.

Where to order on-line of sushi cakes in Dnepr

Delicious and nourishing spells-cakes on the most attractive in Dnepr prices prepare in "Sushi Icons". To buy and design delivery of the dish it is possible on-line through a catalog on the official web-site of the company.

It is here possible to know, how many portion costs Japanese to the sushi cakes, to become familiar with a general menu accessible for an order on Dnepr, and also quickly design a request on preparation of dishes in "Sushi Icons".

By main advantage of collaboration with "Sushi Icons" there is rapid preparation: without depending on a district all clients will secure an order during 90 minutes. Self-delivery of sushi cakes is also possible, that will allow economizing 10% from a price.

Delivery free of charge and active action suggestions

Our permanent clients and guests that decided to order and buy the delicious sushi cakes first can become the participants of the bonus program, and in case of registration of the menu the cost of that will exceed the fixed sum, to take advantage of the special offer of free delivery.

To know, how many address delivery of dishes costs from menu of "Sushi Icons" at a purchase on a sum less fixed, it is possible on a web-site. Useful information, address of kitchen for self-delivery and time of work of service, can be known in an inset "Contacts", "Delivery and payment", "Actions and bonuses".